
Showing posts from May, 2018

I S A activity, Women Status- Quo

I S A activity, Women Status- Quo Evergreen Senior Secondary School, Vasundhara Enclave, East Delhi, has initiated the process to install Global dimension to its education system by registering for British Council International School award (IAS). The students are involved in the international framework academically as well as with respect to extra curricular activities. One of them being Women Status- Quo. The students of class 9 were part of a special assembly that showed women and the condition in a male dominated society. The main aim of the assembly was to bring to the fore the issues related to women and their present state in our society. The students knew how to bring up such a sensitive issue in front of the audiences.  India is the same Nation that has witnessed the existence of Goddesses like Durga and Kali who represent power and strength and at the same time Saraswati who is knowledge herself. India has also given birth to women like Gargi and Maitreyi but then wha...

Trip to Madame Tussauds

Evergreen Sr. Sec. School organized a trip for the students on Saturday, 5 th May 2018 to        Madame Tussauds. Students of class VI to XII joined the trip and they thoroughly enjoyed and unwinded themselves on seeing the creation of a detailed and life like wax figures of prominent personalities from the world of Sports, Bollywood, Politics and other arenas. It was an inspiring and an enriching experience for everyone. The students also received a certificate of appreciation for their conduct and behaviour from Madame Tussauds.

MAY DAY - International Labour Day

It is only through labour and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, we move on to better things. Evergreen Senior secondary School observed May Day to express solidarity towards our helpers specially the working class with blue collar jobs. A class assembly was conducted in which significance of this International Labour Day was presented   through a skit. A well woven theme, revolving around Metro line workers was enacted which highlighted dignity of labour. Thereafter a scintillating German dance was performed by the students celebrating the social and economic achievements of labours and their contribution towards infrastructural growth and development. The event concluded with a speech to evoke a sense of respect for our supporting staff.


EACH ONE TEACH TWO - A Literacy Mission Evergreen Sr Sec School became the proud recipient of Rotary Club Trophy for their work towards spreading literacy under the banner ‘ Each One Teach Two.’ The school shares the trophy with Blue Bells School, New Delhi. Shaurya Mehrotra also won Raj Mohan Kapur Scholarship for teaching the slum learners. Rhizoo Megas and Kartik Singh have been awarded with scholarship by the School Principal for their tireless efforts in spreading this mission. Kudos to the children!